Rain City and Beautiful Soles

Last quarter, Rain City raised over $20,000 to benefit The MORElove Project for Seattle’s homeless. Kristine Moreland and her team are incredibly passionate about what they do – it’s this inspiration and drive that we look for in our $100 Mission charity partners.

It took us awhile to find the right charity, but for the second quarter of the year we’re proud to announce our partnership with Beautiful Soles, a non-profit organization dedicated to provide shoes to children ages 0-18. Founded by Demetria Lund, this charity has given over 1800 pairs of shoes to children in need – children who otherwise would have worn shoes with holes, duct tape, or paper-thin soles (just to name a few).

Demetria started Beautiful Soles in 2014 after her 6 year old son started giving away his shoes to friends in the neighborhood who were less fortunate. Seeing the impact a new pair of shoes could make, Demetria was determined to provide the same comfort and relief to an endless line of children who needed shoes. She now works with various school districts in the tri-county area, and has made a lasting impact with the families she’s touched. Her long-term goals include setting up “shoe closets” in local schools, so that the educators who see countless children with worn-out shoes can make a quick swap to immediately benefit the child in need.

For the month of April, Rain City funded 73 transactions. That’s already $7,300 for Demetria’s cause!

To find out more about Demetria and Beautiful Soles, click the links below:

Beautiful Soles on Facebook

Beautiful Soles and Komo4 News

Donate to Beautiful Soles – (use beautifulsoles@outlook.com)

Contact Demetria

As always, thanks for your participation, and sign up for more $100 Mission updates HERE to ensure you’re getting all the latest information.

Madeline Mohn