PDX Diaper Bank update
Last month, we announced our third charity partner, PDX Diaper Bank, for our $100 Mission. We were moved by founder Rachel Alston and her fierce commitment to ending diaper need. We’re pleased to inform you that our borrowers helped us raise $20,500 for PDX Diaper Bank – that’s 205 transactions!
As a reminder, PDX Diaper Bank was founded in 2012, and partners with over a dozen government or non-profit organizations to provide diapers and diapering supplies to families in need. PDX Diaper Bank reaches homeless families, individuals with disabilities, older adults, teen parents, and more. We are confident that Rachel and her dedicated team will make an incredible difference – her plans for the future include expanding her network of partner agencies, growing the cloth diaper program, and raising awareness for diaper need.
Read a first-hand account of PDX Diaper Bank’s impact, from Rachel:
“Helensview School is an alternative high school here in Portland. They have been a partner agency of PDX Diaper Bank about a year (since November 2015). They have a child development center on site, providing quality daycare for the babies of teen students attending classes. School attendance for teen parents with young children is always a bit ‘tricky.’ However, Helensview reported that since receiving diapers from PDX Diaper Bank, the attendance of their teen students has increased by 20%! For a long time they assumed that the student absence was due to transportation issues, but in actuality, students just didn’t have diapers to bring to school with them (many people are embarrassed/afraid to ask for diaper help). Most people don’t realize that something as simple as a diaper can prevent someone from graduating high school, but it happens all of the time.”
We are grateful to have had the opportunity to assist PDX Diaper Bank with their cause, and we’re excited to see even more great things from Rachel and her team.
If you’d like to find out more about PDX Diaper Bank, visit their website HERE or follow them on Facebook.
We’ll keep you posted for our Q4 charity partner – stay tuned!